Tuesday 18 May 2010

Pleated Skirt toile

After pleating my first tier I attached it to the top waist panel of the skirt, I thought this would be an effective method but it left a lot of fabric bulk in the seam where the lower panel was to be attached so in the final production of this skirt I will construct a base skirt and layer my tiers of pleats over the top, hiding the seams under other layers of pleats.
When I came to attach the lower panel I noticed that there was some overhang on the side seam due to a minor patterning error where I forgot to properly reshape a side seam after removing a waist dart.

After constructing the base skirt I manufactured an invisible zip in place and I am pleased with my machining skills here as I have had particular difficulty before with this type of zip.
 After the base skirt was dully constructed I was able to attach the tiers, working from top to bottom so that all the seams were completely hidden from view.
This is the finished toile, I am really pleased with the outcome and the slight misshapen side seam caused me no problems at all when fitting it to the mannequin.  The only thing I am going to have to watch out for is when pressing my pleats I do not make them too short as this would be easy to do as it sometimes got very confusing for me.