Wednesday 21 April 2010

Bra top to go over body shaper

Draping the bra top on the mannequin, the pleats were very difficult to manipulate but the finish is well worth it.

The top image is straight off the mannequin, I created a pattern from this and recut the shape to make the pieces below, which is a lot neater and should mean the bra top is balanced and symmetrical.

All pinned back on the mannequin to manipulate the pleats, now all I need to do is press and manufacture!

Central pleats pressed and stitched in place

Manipulating further on the mannequin and pinning the back strap in place.

Finished piece, I am pleased with this, this has been my first attempt at draping a garment and I am glad I chose to use it.

The garment gapes a little bit but seeing as its going over a body suit its not much of a problem, also I believe it better for it to be a little too big when it comes to fittings week!

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