Monday 31 May 2010

Puff dress success!

After creating a new pattern for this dress where the CF and CB seams were straight I was able to create exactly what I wanted from this garment!

 These are the fabric pieces cut out from the amended pattern.  As you can see all the added shape is now on the side seams in the hip area, which will create a very feminine, curvy shape when the garment is complete.

 Front view of puff dress (without sleeves as I have already successfully samples in previous toile).  The shape is exactly what I was looking for and is very close to my original design.
 Side view of garment.  I much prefer this dress without the shaping on the front and back seams, before it would of made the wearer look bloated and possibly pregnant where as I wanted a more hour glass silhouette being created.

I am very pleased with the results.

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